Tuesday, April 16

In which the author realizes she should not blog when tired.

Soooooo.... Ye olde blogging website as some pretty interesting features.  For instance, I just found out that I have an international audience. Specifically me (Team Morocco!), 2 people from Germany, and 3 people from Mother Russia.  How exciting.  They most likely came to me via my most common search query: "How to train orange tree to topiary."  I really do have the most exciting blog in the internet.

Because spring break happened, I have become a strange semi-nocturnal beast.  This makes 8 AM classes exceedingly unpleasant.  Especially when those classes happen to be Arabic.  I guess it's time for the nocturnal menace to re-diurnify herself.

Laila saida y'all.  (Goodness I need sleep)

For your viewing pleasure.
Hybrid Christian/Muslim graveyard.  Not pictured - graveyard cats.  Also not pictured - the adorable puppies I found here.  Why they're not pictured - because I'm a dinkus and deleted my memory card before checking if all the photos made it on to the computer.  Someone please alert Mensa about their newest inductee.

I think you will find that most of my pictures are trying to be artsy.

That's a banana tree behind me.  I'm very excited. As you can probably tell.  Banana.  Bananananananananana.

I like this one.  This is me getting lost in Tangier's medina.

Artsy photo of waaaaaaayyyyyy too small coffee cup.

BUDGIE.  Actually a cage full of budgies.  They must feed them something special to get them so brightly colored.

Okie dokie.  Good night!

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