Friday, April 26

Close encounters of the royal kind

The King of Morocco, His Majesty Mohammad V, is in Meknes.  This means that Meknes has been going insane.  It's also very clean.   It is the strangest type of insanity I've ever witnessed.  Apparently this happens any time the king goes anywhere, all the trash gets picked up and things get repainted.  There are flags everywhere (or alternately, long strips of connected flags that cover the front of basically every restaurant.)  Probably the strangest thing though is the trees.  Besides being trimmed (mostly into squares although there are some with lots of little round tree bits that look particularly Dr. Seuss-like) the bottom 3-4 ft. of every tree trunk has been painted white.  Before this happened you could see remnants of paint from last year.

An off topic side note.  I'm passively watching an Arabic cartoon about gnomes which is drawn in such a cutesy style that it looks like a bunch of little girls with massive beards... And now they're ripping their hair off  in one giant piece...  Annnnnd now one of the intentionally female characters (i.e. has pigtails and even more eyelashes) has a beard... which is trying to kill people.  I really don't understand cartoons in any language.

OK.  Back to the king.  I was waiting for the bus trying to get home from class when the king drove by unexpectedly.  There weren't any crowds or a parade or anything, I guess he was just hurrying to get somewhere.  Those of us who were waiting looked up as we heard some police motorcycles with their sirens on and saw the king texting in the back seat of his car.  It was very surreal.  I see pictures of the king EVERYWHERE.  Every restaurant, every shop, people's homes, any store that develops photos will have dozens of pictures.  I kind of forgot that he was a real person.  After that several dozen highly decorated horses went by.  This was unrelated to the king, they were going to the site of the agricultural fair.  It was nice to see such pretty horses.  There are a couple that graze on the school lawn a lot and they look pretty sad.

Going back to the cartoon situation, now Arabic dubbed Scooby Doo is on.  I should probably go turn that off... I just realized that with my haircut (especially since I really need a trim) and glasses I look like a tall version of Velma.  Halloween costume?  Perhaps....

Laila Saida  (Good night)

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