Friday, January 18

I think I should write now while I still have the urge (or "la table francaise")

But, just as a warning, this might not be very interesting.  I'm just new to the whole blog thing, and I was very surprised and excited to see how many people had visited yesterday.  Blogger lets you see the number of page views you have and I had 44! I'm going to think of this as 44 separate people, and not just my dear mother checking the blog every 15 minutes.  (I love you Mama!)

Right now I'm in the midst of packing.  By that I mean that I have spread all of my things out on the floor even more than normal.  I can it "organization."  Perhaps you've heard of it?  It's also convenient because when I start feeling overwhelmed I can just throw things around or pull all my belongings over my head and make a nest.  Nesting tends to make the panic pass.

Speaking of making the panic pass, I had a lovely dinner at Kendal last night (for those of you who aren't Obies or Obie-associates, it's a fairly swanky old folks home) as a guest at their french table.  It was nice to be able to stumble along through a conversation, and especially comforting that no one really knew what they were doing.  I may have gotten a false sense of hope about my french abilities, but I'm going to hang onto it as hard as I can.  At any rate, I should still be able to say, "Do you speak English? Please, please speak English" once I get there and start stumbling around the Casablanca airport in a jet-lagged daze.  Hopefully someone will feel sorry for me and realize that I will be willing to pay them a lot of money to get me to my hotel in one piece.

I'm sure the real story will be even more bizarre.  I'll fill you in as soon as I live it.


  1. I am only just now looking at your blog (It's Monday evening), so I think the #44 is pretty accurate! :)

  2. Kendal is a unique community of people openly sharing their experience and wisdom. I know Kendal to be one of the KINDEST places on earth. Hopefully,this life will endear you with such kindness so that you may one day return to host la table francaise Karen! :-)
