Tuesday, January 22

America has done it again!

Ah, America.  Bravely protecting it's travelers from themselves.  Today, I was saved by my night in shining armor (a very grumpy TSA agent).  I could have easily caused harm to myself or others through the inappropriate use of my un-ziplocked travel sized bottle of hand sanitizer that I forgot was in my backpack.  In fact, I could have gotten it in my eye.  Or the pilots eye.  And taken the whole plane down.  Or something like that.  I'm not really sure why there's so much concern.  If it was a rare, explosive hand sanitizer, I'm not sure that putting it in a plastic bag will really help.  I think the TSA just likes seeing how many silly things it can get people to do.  For example, I had the opportunity to get scanned by one of the lovely vertical-MRI-type-machines that probably asses my body fat content and take note of the fact that my underwear don't match.  I'm sure the TSA judges all of us harshly. 

At least I'd remembered to empty my water bottle this time... 

1 comment:

  1. It's only the first leg of your trip. You may be saved several more times yet! It's such a pity that air travel is so much of a hassle.
