Friday, February 15

Random photos

I have managed to put my pictures on my computer, but I can't actually see what each picture is very easily.  Soooooooo, I'm going to put in random pictures and then tell you about them.  Ok? Ok.

Gena made me promise to take a picture of my feet when I got to Morocco, so I did.  Aren't I the best sister?  I know, I know.  There's another picture somewhere of my bare feet in the only mosque I was allowed to go into (you have to take off your shoes before entering.)

This is my friend Susanna in the fancy salon (Moroccan living room) in our hotel in Casablanca.  In general, all Moroccan salons are this plush and fancy.  I just went to a house today that had 5 different rooms set up like this.

This is me feeding pigeons (AKA flying rats according to everyone else on the trip.  I thought they were cute.)  

This is the inside of a public bakery in Marrakesh.  It's a pretty bad picture, but I did promise random.  I'm not exactly a great photographer.   

Moroccans are really, really, really into topiary.  Also, they line their streets with orange trees.  Sometimes there is orange tree topiary.

This is a picture of a pond at the Jardin Marjorelle, which was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been in my life.  I'll have to post more of the pictures from here another time.  


A poor quality picture of Hadija (our cook) sleeping on my roommate Shavon in one of the three living rooms in our house. 

I'm not entirely sure what this is.... Hmmmmmm......

The inside of the tomb of Moulay Ismail (King of Morocco back in the day.  17th century I think...) in Meknes.  

And, for your viewing pleasure, two lovely pictures of some of my friends and I riding in a carriage around Meknes.  We were hungry at the time and the horse was crazy.  Christine, Susanna, and I all got the grumpy-face message, but Cathleen missed it. 

Goodnight y'all.

Wednesday, February 6

Walk to school

Hello all! It's been a while, hasn't it?  Oops... I've been busy adjusting to my new city and my classes.  Everything is great here, and I honestly have WAAAAAAYYY too much to talk about and not enough time/motivation.  So, instead of recounting everything I've experienced, I'll tell you about what I see on my walk to school.

Moulay Ismail University Faculte des Lettres (arts and humanities campus) is located approximately 2.5 miles from my house and, due to the way classes are set up, I generally have to make 4 trips in between the two places a day.  It should be noted that I don't always walk, I sometimes take a taxi (I have yet to work up the courage to ride the bus... I'm not really sure where it stops.)  However, when I do walk, here are some of the things I see:

No traffic lights, designated pedestrian crossings, or apparent traffic laws.  Crossing the street involves either waiting for a break in traffic or simply stepping out into the road and having the cars swerve around you.  There is no penalty for cutting someone off, making U-turns, driving like a crazy person... If I survive this (inshallah) I will never be afraid of cars again.

I also pass some interestingly named businesses.

1. Coq Magic
     (It's a restaurant that specializes in chicken. Obviously)
2. Al Manbat
    (It's the residence of the Moroccan Batman. Obviously)

Along with these stores, Meknes is home to the most terrifying mannequins on the face of the earth.  Think Chucky but with less blood and worse hair.  And they aren't like American mannequins that stare tastefully into the distance or don't actually have features.  No, they stare RIGHT INTO YOUR SOUL.  It makes me a little afraid of retail here.  Alternately, there's the medina, but that's a completely different kind of shopping experience.

I also pass a field that contains a variety of adorable animals such as cows, donkeys, and sheep depending on the day.  The graze right up to the sidewalk.  Yesterday there were 3 lambs!  They were so cute and then I realized that they were also very delicious and then I got a little sad/hungry (oh by the way, I'm not really vegetarian anymore. Shwoops!)

Unfortunately, I also pass a lot of dead animals.  For some reason they are not on the road, but basically on the sidewalk.  I'm not sure how they die there, since the traffic is crazy and the pedestrians don't go around killing dogs (from what I've seen so far.)  Anyway, it's very sad... and gross...

Then I get to school! The university is built inside the walls of an old castle and it's pretty amazing to walk through these huge gates every day.  It's also filled with palm trees, which make it seem extra exotic.  Beyond that, it's like a normal school, except that they give you coffee in glass cups at the cafe, which is much classier than normal.

OK.  Now I'm just rambling. I'll fill you in on my classes/family/amusing pick-up lines I've heard ("Nice ass. Barack Obama" for example) soon.  Hopefully :)